Information contained in this app consists of data and calculators for plumbing and heating contractors engaged in the installation of gas-fired equipment only in the areas served by Questar Gas Company. Questar Gas provides retail gas-distribution service to customers in Utah, southwestern Wyoming and a small portion of southeastern Idaho.Information contained herein has been extracted from local codes adopted and incorporated by local authorities into heating or plumbing ordinances or codes and hence mandatory; however, the information does not attempt to set forth all requirements of any such ordinances or codes. Questar Gas Company recommends all plumbing and heating contractors become thoroughly familiar with the requirements of the applicable ordinances or codes, contained in the International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC), International Residential Code (IRC), International Mechanical Code (IMC), International Plumbing Code (IPC), National Electrical Code (NEC), American Gas Association (AGA) standards, National Board of Fire Underwriters (NBFU), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Questar Gas Company Policy & Procedures (QGCPP), as well as with the information contained herein so gas installations made by them will measure up to the proper standards of quality and workmanship.
Questar Gas Company is not responsible for the safe or proper installation of gas piping, equipment or appliances beyond its meter and does not, by the publication and distribution of this information, assume any such responsibility.
Although every effort is made to ensure the app data and calculators are accurate and updated on a timely basis, changes incorporated in may not be immediately reflected in this application.